I have made last minute plans to go diving next week. I am spending 3 days at Tech Asia in Puerto Galera and another 3 days at Acacia in Anilao. My time with Tech Asia will be spent doing Tech 1/2 scooter dives to get my tech fix, and my time with Acacia will be mostly muck and reef diving and macro photography. I have been to Tech Asia many times in the past and it will be nice to catch up with Dave and Sam after not having visited in almost 2 years. It will be my first time in Anilao and I have high expectations for the quality of the macro life, after hearing so much about it in articles such as this one. I will be taking my 60 mm and 105 mm macro lenses. Fingers crossed that I will be able to photograph stuff like coleman shrimp, emperor shrimp, nudis, bobbit worms, seahorses, stargazers, etc.
I will report back during/after the trip.